Sep 24, 2019
Today on the podcast I am sharing things that I would tell my younger self. I really talk about friendships. What I wish I would have done with my friends. One of the biggest lessons I would tell my younger self is I have choices.
Sep 17, 2019
7This is a short episode on self-sabotage. Most of us think we will be happy when _____? Today on the podcast I share ways that we can stop self-sabotaging ourself.
If you like this episode check out the episode on "Shifting Your Mindset".
Sep 10, 2019
Laura Silsbee shares her story through endometriosis, IVF, and finally through adoption. She gets very personal and shares her lows and her highs.
Laura shares about her health and how going gluten and dairy-free was a game-changer. You do not want to miss this episode.
Follow Laura on Instagram
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Sep 3, 2019
Today I am talking with Lillian Lalo about reinventing yourself at ANY age, being more authentic, and the dieting culture. Lillian shares her stories and her perspective as a 30-year-old.
My favorite is her answer to the question of what would you tell your younger self.
Instagram photo of Lillian and her...