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Well & Worthy Life | A Podcast for Midlife Women

Nov 26, 2019

Bridget is back with me on the podcast discussing how to stay healthy during the winter months and what to do when you feel the first signs of a cold coming on. Of course, I am feeling a cold coming on now so I am implementing all of these tips.



Nov 19, 2019

Are you ready for the Holidays?  I love the Holidays but sometimes there can be a whole bunch of stress that goes along with this time of year.  Today I am sharing some things to think about and plan ahead to lessen your stress before it even starts.

If this helps, please let me know by sharing on social media...

Nov 12, 2019

Today on the podcast I am sharing how exercise has changed for me as I have gotten older.

Nov 5, 2019

Today I am sharing steps on trying to figure out what is next in life. Are you an empty nester?  Do you finally have some time to focus on yourself but you don't know where to start?  Listen to this podcast.

Discovering What Is Next In Life - When The Nest Gets Empty

Reinventing Ourselves With Cathy Williamson