Oct 24, 2023
Aging hasn’t always had the best connotation. In our youth-driven culture, we often seek to avoid aging. Today’s guest, Karen Viesta, is reframing the conversation on why aging is good and how to age POWERFULLY!
Karen is a certified health and lifestyle coach who works with women in their forties and fifties who want to transform their bodies and their lives. She is the founder of Wellegant Women Coaching and host of the Well Egant Women Podcast. After going through her own midlife reinvention, Karen helps women in midlife to age powerfully, create extraordinary health and vitality, and make each new decade even better than the last.
[3:51] There’s an expectation that we should figure out this midlife thing and just once and for all be done with it.
[13:40] I wasn’t willing to resign myself to feeling terrible. There was a part of me that thought, “no, I’m not buying that. I’m going to figure this out.” (regarding words from doctors around perimenopause)
[14:04] Your over-40 body is different from your under-40 body and you have to support it differently.
[28:34] I think a lot of women in midlife find themselves in that place where they’re looking ahead to the second half of life and questioning what they want it to look like and more importantly who do they want to be.